
Learn Lessons Live Better.com believes that encouragement, empathy, and support go a long way in assisting individuals in recovering from loss, mistakes, physical and mental illness.  

Learn Lessons Live Better.com is sincerely committed to encouraging individuals to achieve holistic wellness one day at a time. Consistent reflection and genuine effort can lead to improved living.   It is this improved living that we enthusiastically refer to as living vivaciously better.

On this blog, you will find inspirational stories from individuals who have  overcome various setbacks and tragedies. May these stories provide comfort to those currently experiencing challenges.

You may have been born into a situation where your biological mother, father, sister, brother. etc., weren’t present but this doesn’t mean that you have to go through life without these roles being filled.  There are people just like you who are able and willing to stand in the gap.  You just have to be willing to receive  and accept their love.

I was adopted by my maternal grandmother and through this circumstance, I learned to focus on the blessings of love that I had versus what was not present. This awakening has made all of the difference. I wrote a spoken word I titled “Beautiful People”  to celebrate the numerous people who have stood in the gap for me.

You can check out the spoken word below.